Setting Short and Long Term Goals

Setting Short and Long Term Goals

In sport, as well as in life, it is important to set short and long term goals.

Sometimes goals need to be adjusted along the way to keep them challenging, as well as realistic. Then, it is important to set short-term and daily goals that lead up to the long-term goal. These become the stepping stones along the way.

As you achieve each short-term goal your confidence will grow and you will be that much closer to the next one.

To help you achieve your goals use the following tips:

Write Down Your Goals

This is a very important step! Clearly define what the results are that you desire.

Develop Specific Strategies

Decide on the plan that will most efficiently accomplish your goals; i.e., changing your diet, increasing the number of exercise sessions etc.

Divide & Conquer

When devising your series of goals, use the divide and conquer rule -divide monumental tasks into short-term goals.


Do not try to do too many things at once. Just assume responsibility for the goal you are working on at the moment.

Plan It

Once you set your goal you need to sit down and plan out how you are going to achieve it, mentally and physically.

Stay In Control

It is important that you keep your goals in line with things you have control over. You can control your effort and the task you are working on; you can’t control other people or the situation around you.

Stay Positive

Keep a positive and healthy attitude about your sport. Remember, no one is perfect.

Big Yourself Up

Give credit where credit is due: Each day, congratulate yourself for completing the goal you set for that day (or the progress you have made on a certain goal).

Commit To Your Goals

You to have the desire to take action you must own your goals and be committed to them.

Make Them Achievable

Assess each new goal you make make: Are you willing to do what it takes to reach the goals you have set for themselves?


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