Try Something New To Refresh Your Running Regime

Try Something New To Refresh Your Running Regime

It’s time to refresh your approach to running with Running4Women’s favourite new running ideas!


Have you heard of parkrun? These free, timed, volunteer-run 5km races are held in parks around the country every weekend. They’re a fantastic way to take part in low-key, friendly 5km races on the same route and terrain, so you can measure your progress on a regular basis. Parkruns have a great community feel and the accurately-timed routes help you track your pace and progress throughout the year. You can take part in your most local parkrun, or look the nearest one up if you’re away for the weekend. Is there a parkrun near you?


If you’ve been upping your mileage for a while, maybe it’s time to inject some pace into your training runs. Why not pledge to add some speedwork into your running training this year? You could try fartlek, tempo runs, intervals, hill sprints or even track sessions.

New Recipes

Along with training, eating right is key to improving running performance (and health). Make a promise to try a few new recipes or cooking techniques to boost your nutrient intake and make healthier eating more fun, accessible and creative. How about making your own protein bars, baking your own granola, or experimenting with a slow cooker or crock pot for delicious batch cooking? Get the kids involved and set a great example about healthy nutrition and real food.

Join A Club

Have you been thinking about joining a running club? Make 2024 the year you seek out your local running club and get involved. Whether you’re a beginner runner or more experienced, there are plenty of reasons to join a running club, from friendship and motivation to coaching and access to running resources.

A Change Of Scene

Spring and Summer are good times of year to switch up your training routes. If you live in the countryside, why not try something new by running on new trails, in parks or more challenging running routes? If you live in a more urban setting, explore a new area by running to landmarks or areas you’ve always wanted to explore.  It’s always great to use running as a way to see the sights on foot, whether that’s gorgeous countryside, challenging terrain or stunning city settings. Where will you run this year?

Enter A Race

Finally, why not enter a race? It could be your very first running race or your 100th, but a race will always help you progress your running skills, pace and endurance and will give you tons of experience. You could choose to enter and train for a marathon or a much shorter race, it doesn’t matter (there are merits to all distances of running races). Enlist the support of your running partner, a group of friends or your running club and get training.

How are you planning to freshen-up your running regime? What new things will you try?


Windsor Women’s 10k Saturday 28th September Click here to enter today

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